Florian Eyben is the CTO of audEERING, an audio analysis company that specialises in emotional artificial intelligence. Florian is a leading expert in voice emotion analytics, machine learning and signal processing, and our conversation is a great introduction to harnessing emotion in the voice. We discuss many of the incredible applications of voice emotion analytics, and dive into some projects carried out by audEERING for major brands in market research, call centers, social robotics, health and many more.
In the second half of the episode we explore openSMILE, audEERING’s open source research toolkit for audio feature extraction. It is currently the state-of-the-art in affective computing for audio, and is the most widely-used tool for emotion recognition tasks in research and industry.
We also discuss the GeMAPS standard acoustic parameter recommendation, emotional dimensions such as valence and arousal, what data to use when developing emotion detection algorithms, and the future of multimodal emotion-enabled interfaces. It’s an emotion-filled episode that you won’t want to miss!
Links from the show:
- Alexa skill building guide: https://voicetechpodcast.com/skillguide
- audEERING site: https://www.audeering.com
- audEERING on Facebook: http://bit.ly/aud-facebook
- audEERING on Twitter: @audEERING
- audEERING on Instagram: audEERING
- audEERING on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/aud-linkedin
- openSMILE: https://opensmile.audeering.com
- GeMAPS: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7160715
- Florian Eyben Google Scholar: http://bit.ly/florian-eyben-scholar
- ICASSP 2019: https://2019.ieeeicassp.org/
- VoiceBot podcast: http://voicebot.ai
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