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7 Tips on How To Promote Audio Content Properly
Successfully promote audio content to a broader audience, and generate higher ad revenues, with these top tips.
Improve your machine learning with compressed audio
In machine learning, you need to know what’s in your audio data. Discover how data augmentation with codec compressed audio can help your models generalize.
Why Voice Assistants are Beneficial to Children
The impact of voice assistants on today’s youth is actually more helpful than you may think. Luckily, there are a plethora of fun, sound-based games.
3 keys to leveraging conversational marketing
‘Natural Language Question Answering’ encompasses much of what smart speakers and chatbots can do today, and is an important component of conversational marketing. We wanted to see where we were in the cycle, so we dug deeper to understand how the Gartner Hype Cycle classified these technologies.
The state of artificial emotional intelligence today
Artificial Emotional Intelligence is a relatively new field, but one in which there is tremendous activity. Supported by a plethora of new open-source tools and machine learning frameworks, a programmer can now build a first prototype of an emotion-aware dialog machine in about two working days. But how good is the technology? And how can we develop better emotion AI?
The best podcasts for voice technology and conversational user interfaces
Podcasts are the obvious choice for those in the voice industry to both share their ideas, and to keep up with everything that’s going on. Here I present my pick of the 8 best podcasts that cover voice technology and conversational user interfaces.
Voice emotion analytics companies
This blog post is a roundup of voice emotion analytics companies. These are companies that can process an audio file containing human speech, extract the paralinguistic features and interpret these as human emotions, then provide an analysis report or other service based on this information.
Welcome to the Voice Tech Podcast!
This is a voice technology podcast that’s focused on the technology itself. The series will include interviews with people who’ve actually implemented voice technologies in a project. We will delve into all aspects of voice interfaces and their enabling technologies.