Joshua Montgomery is the CEO of Mycroft, the open source voice assistant. Mycroft is a much needed addition to the range of big tech voice assistants on the market, offering a new level of data privacy and customisation.
Their MkII device will be launched soon, and is available for pre-order now on IndieGogo. Josh describes how the MkII improves over previous iterations, takes us through the technical stack, and explains how you can start developing voice applications for the Mycroft ecosystem today.
We discuss the many benefits of open source for voice assistants, including scalability, censorship, data security and developer support. Josh reveals why many companies are unwilling to use Amazon Alexa, and why open source is the answer to this problem. This is a thought-provoking episode with a leader in the voice assistant space – enjoy!
Links from the show:
- Full show notes:
- Mycroft Homepage:
- Get a Mycroft MkII on IndieGogo:
- Invest in Mycroft:
- Mycroft Github:
- Alexa Data Services:
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